Wednesday 7 November 2012


Im almost free. Just a few large assignments and presentations to go. I always get a good final exam schedual, so im not really stressed about that at all. What i AM scared about is having to hand in my biochemistry assignment, ecology lab presentation, and 1000 word english essay worth 30% of my grade (which my english teacher suggested i do on a spanish short story) all on the same day, while also trying to memorizing the entire bio lab manual and learn statistics in one week. im gonna need to start keeping more diapers in my backpack.
Sometimes i wonder if all the avengers actors "borrow" their costumes from the studio on halloween night and go trick or treating together.
I love what snow looks like outside, but sometimes i wish it wernt so white, its environmental racism.
I used to tease steph about how when there is a torrential downpour in washington, everyone drives like champions. but when it snows 5 centimeters, everyone starts freakin out and swerving and sliding down the hilly roads. But i just got out of a bio class where we didnt learn anything new, just listened to how the canadian governement oppresses environmental scientists, because the students were too wussy to come to school; not to mention intermurals got cancelled 8 hours before they were supposed to be played, eventhough most of the players i know live in the dorms. we are a lazy people.